Monday, March 22, 2010


Dear friends,

I hate reading all the negative facebook posts about Obama and the health plan things. I may not agree with everything, but calm down. Lucky for us, GOD is actually in charge. And I'm pretty sure in the Bible it talks about us obeying the laws of the land and the rulers and leaders in our land. I just think everyone needs to take a chill pill. And from what I read, nothing super major is going to change for another 2 years at least. I'm too tired from my pain killers to look scripture up, but I know it's there. As Christians, it doesn't look good for you to be whining and complaining about something you probably don't even fully understand. We are supposed to be above reproach. So just wait it out, worse things have happened in the history of the world. At least we can be Christians without being stoned to death!



1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I am not a fan of the healthcare reform. But I am also not going to go nuts on my facebook about it. Mostly because it doesn't do any good.
