Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dear Moms

on facebook.. I think you are all probably great moms, I can't swear this is true since I haven't actually seen some of you with your babies. I really hate reading your statuses about the solidness (or lack of) in your babies diaper, your nasty skin disease that you got from labor, the fact that you can't get better from your nasty disease because you're breast feeding (start bottle feeding and shutup), breast feeding and or anything to do with your boobs or breastmilk. I'm not jealous that y'all are moms, there's just a little thing called TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!

P.S. To you moms who don't post things listed above, thank you so much!


  1. I don't mind if you tell me something occasionally or post something every once in a while!! It's just these people who only have grotty posts!! Seriously people!! Post something nice about how cute your kid is every once in a while!!!
