Monday, March 22, 2010


Dear friends,

I hate reading all the negative facebook posts about Obama and the health plan things. I may not agree with everything, but calm down. Lucky for us, GOD is actually in charge. And I'm pretty sure in the Bible it talks about us obeying the laws of the land and the rulers and leaders in our land. I just think everyone needs to take a chill pill. And from what I read, nothing super major is going to change for another 2 years at least. I'm too tired from my pain killers to look scripture up, but I know it's there. As Christians, it doesn't look good for you to be whining and complaining about something you probably don't even fully understand. We are supposed to be above reproach. So just wait it out, worse things have happened in the history of the world. At least we can be Christians without being stoned to death!



Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dear Moms

on facebook.. I think you are all probably great moms, I can't swear this is true since I haven't actually seen some of you with your babies. I really hate reading your statuses about the solidness (or lack of) in your babies diaper, your nasty skin disease that you got from labor, the fact that you can't get better from your nasty disease because you're breast feeding (start bottle feeding and shutup), breast feeding and or anything to do with your boobs or breastmilk. I'm not jealous that y'all are moms, there's just a little thing called TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!

P.S. To you moms who don't post things listed above, thank you so much!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Best Friend Appreciation Day

Happy Birthday to my best friend!!!! You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You are a fabulous wife. I can only hope to be the kind of mother you are to your wonderful little babies. You have been one of the biggest blessings in my life for the past almost 5 years. You always have godly incite and wisdom to offer to me when I have problems. You are always encouraging to me, especially lately when I've been overwhelmed with so many friends having kids and not me. You are always giving to me, even when I know you are exhausted and overwhelmed with life, work, and familyhood. I love you so much and have no idea what I would do without you.

White trash and crafts

My neighbor is super creepy. If you were to drive around in our neighborhood, you wouldn't see anything weird, or anyone weird.. But if you stay around long enough for the garage doors to come up... You would realize you're on a white trash block. One of my neighbors at about 5pm, opens his garage door and starts lifting weights. He sounds like a tennis player while doing this, it's disgusting. Then he lights up, grabs a beer, and sits on his rusty patio furniture that is IN his garage. His lawn is not grass. It's weeds. He just mows over them and they spread. This leads me to the true point in telling you about my creepy neighbor...

Tuesday, after work, I came home and decided to pull weeds out of our front yard. The weather has been so finicky that we have not been able to take care of our yard properly. We had some monsterous weeds, see pictures. So I get out, and worked for about 30 minutes when creepy neighbor walks into the middle of the street and snarls with his country accent, "Are you gunna pull ALL them weeds out??" What came out of my mouth immediately and annoyed, "Uh, yeah, I don't want them growing back..." He then laughs hysterically and walks back to his patio furniture and continues to WATCH me pull the weeds out of my yard for another hour and a half, occasionally laughing at me..

Yes, this weed was about 50 separate weeds that tangled all together to form a whopping 6 foot weed. Disgusting that we let it get that big, I know!

I've also had some time to do a little more crafting. I really need to get back on the sewing machine and finish my old projects. It's just so nice to change things up a little. Plus I can crochet infront of the tv or in bed before I go to sleep!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Crafty Monday

We know two couples that have baby girls, and know a LOT of preggo people. So I started crafting presents for these little girls... This is only the first baby headband I've made. Hopefully they will only get cuter!!

I think I'm also going to get some baby clothing patterns and try to make some little outfits that match the accessories. Baby presents are expensive!!! I'll try anything to make neat, unique, and affordable gifts.

Some of my other projects I did for Christmas presents.

I am currently in the process of making one for my best friend, and then will make one for my sister in law. Eventually I'll make one for myself. Hopefully I can start selling them eventually. Once I get the hang of it and it doesn't take me 3 weeks to finish one.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear job hunters,

When you come in to fill out an application...

1. Ask for the application in ENGLISH.

2. Wear jeans that actually fit. Too big is better than too small.

3. Wear a shirt that
A. Covers you belly
B. Doesn't have 800 holes in it.


Dear neighbors,

Take your friggin Christmas lights down!!

That's all..

Dearest boss man,

I make minimum wage. I know you don't make minimum wage, and probably never have. Now considering I do the job of the assistant manager without the pay, I think you should give me a raise. Frankly if I leave, the store will go down the hole.

With much appreciation,
