Friday, April 9, 2010


I love the new show Life on the Discovery Channel! I know this may seem totally lame-o to some people out there, but I don't care. I'm not crazy about Oprah narrating it, I'm not a big fun of Oprah herself.. And all the "82 billion years ago....when fish were the only creatures on the earth... And then they evolved into humans...." okay it's not THAT bad! All the animals are so amazing! Like a fish that can fly, or something like elephants. I love the show. I sit there in awe of God and all His creations!! It's just so amazing to me to see these animals and now the He created every single one of them, and for a purpose!!

Some of my more embarassing tv picks...

Dancing with the Stars. Anyone else glad Buzz got the boot? I know, he's an American hero, blah blah blah... But if I had to hear him talk about the moon or the space program one more time , or see his wife in one more horrible astronaut vest/jacket/fringy thing, or see one more astronaut tshirt on Buzz.... I like the espn girl and the Olympic guy!

Greys Anatomy. It's horrible now and I just can't stop watching. I should be soooo over it now, but I'm not.

Cougar Town. I freaking love FRIENDS, so I have to like anything with one of the cast in it. Except the Joey show, that was one of the worst things ever.

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