Monday, April 26, 2010

Hey you... Yeah, you!!

I wanted to something a little different than, dear (insert someone who has more than likely annoyed me).

Hey you!

Yeah you, Dancing with the Stars. Let me just start with Pamela Anderson. You are so creepy. Why do you have to have creepy face on everytime the camera is pointed at you. You are not sexy. You've obviously had plenty of plastic surgery. Your face is ridiculous. You're gross. Please leave Dancing with the Stars. Next, does anyone else notice the voice at that beginning of the show? It totally creeps me out!! And now... Play some actual band. Ripping songs off an making some crappy singers sing them is just embarassing for you. Just play the actual song, I know you can get the licensing to so that because you obviously got it tool make your own lame hiney version. Erin and Maks, I love you. I haven't ever voted for things like this before, and I max out my text votes on y'all. Chad... You annoy me. Possibly because you changed your last name to your jersey number, which I think is the lamest thing someone can do. Plus you are black, did you forget to look in the mirror the day you changed your name to SPANISH?!

Hey you!

Lady on the treadmill infront of my elliptical in Saturday... Thank you for entertaining me whilst I worked out. You made it easier for me to last 35 minutes. Doing your "air cheering" amused me greatly. The fact that you did it the ENTIRE time you walked, really?

Hey you,

allergies!!! Cut it out!!! I really extra-ly hate you.

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