Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shopper catergories

So, if you haven't figured it out... I work in retail.

Working in retail, I encounter a lot of different people during the day. I have come up with a few catergories for customers..

The ones that think they're funny: they tell a lot of awkward jokes. Say sarcastic things about how they can't find what they're looking for. Joke about calling to complain about you. Seriously people, I don't come to your job and joke about how crappy you are!!

The nice people: respond to your greeting when they walk in, make polite small talk while they are being rung up. Says thank you!

The overly confident and slightly rude shopper: these shoppers enter the store and run from any greeting. When cornered and asked if they need help they rudely respond, "NO!! I know what I'm looking for!!" as if to say, "I'm not an idiot, I can read the signs to figure out where I am going." About ten minutes later the customer will resurface and exasperatedly ask for help. This always makes me want to say, "maybe you shouldn't be so obnoxious and rude when you walk in and just ask for help. Then neither of our time gets wasted."

The talkers: someone who has to talk to everyone. Usually very scatter brained.

The infamous cell phone shopper: always on a cell phone. Talks very loudly throughout the store. Looks at you, appalled, when you ask a question, give them their total, or any kind of verbal communication I'd attempted while they are checking out.

The creepies: these people slide into the store and are almost immediately noticed. They constantly look around the store, as if trying to note where every person I'm the store is. They seem out of place, don't respond when talked to, or mutter and skamper away from whoever is talking to them. Most often have shifty eyes. I stay close to the panic button when'd these people are around.

There's a few more. But I'm tired.

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