Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about women. I was listening to this annoying lady talk show host at night on my way back from my class, and she was talking to some girl about things women do that guys think are crazy but women think are normal. Like freaking out if they don't respond to a text straight away. These women to it as far as taking everything they had ever gotten from the guy, ruining it, and then throwing it on the lawn of his yard....

Now I've never done anything to that extent... but do we, women, do things and use "it's because I'm a woman" as an excuse? I know I do sometimes, and since I have thought about this I've tried to stop thinking like that. We have hormones, we get emotional, or over infuriated by things irrationally sometimes. But does the fact that we are women mean that we have no control over our actions??

We do! I think it's highly amusing now whenever I hear a woman use her hormones as an excuse for her outrageous behavior! If men were to ever do something like that we'd go crazy about how wrong it is!!!

Anywho, that's my random thought of the month...

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